Baza preserves an Arab and Medieval mark in its picturesque alleys.
Enchantment in its crossroad streets and caliph art in the Baths of the Jewish quarter, considered the oldest that are preserved since the Muslim period. During the Muslim occupation and as an important meeting point of Eastern Andalusia, Baza took a relevant border role with the Kingdom of Murcia. From the XIII century we must highlight the Citadel, whose privileged situation in the upper zone offers and splendid panoramic view of the city. Already in the Modern Age, the Collegiate Church Concatedral de la Encarnación (Church of the Mayor), declared National monument, combines a construction of basically Gothic style with a beautiful plateresque main door. In relation to the civil architecture, the Palace of the Enríquez constitutes a clear example of the beginnings of the XVI century, together with the Town Hall, a building of Renaissance style that prevails the Major Square. From this same period are the Monastery of San Jerónimo and the Churches of Santiago, San Juan Bautista and of the Presentación. Landmark of the map 1. Church of the Mayor (Nuestra Señora Santa María de la Encarnación) Built over the rests of the Mosque of the Muslim Quarter. 2. Municipal Museum (Old Town Hall) Unique example that longs in the province of Granada of a Renaissance Town Hall. 3. The Citadel There are only some stretches of wall and the rests of various towers. 4. Palace of the Enríquez Renaissance palace built as countryside villa in Italian style. 5. Monastery of San Jerónimo Built at the request and under the sponsorship of the family Enríquez-Luna next to its palace. 6. Fountain of the Golden Spout Built in 1607, was used as a trough for travelers that approached to Baza. 7. House with stick balconies Two Mudejar houses, built in the XVI century. 8. Church of San Juan Built over a mosque, belongs to the Mudejar model, common in the region. 9. Convent of Santo Domingo It still conserves important elements of this convent complex raised in the beginnings of the XVII century. 10. Palace of the Duke of the Infantado Stands out by its plateresque and heraldic decoration. 11. Church of Santiago The best example of Mudejar Church in Baza. 12. Arab Baths Of the XIII century, in Almohade period, the most complete Arab Bath of the whole country.