Municipalities: 255
Surface Area: 8.110 square kilometres
Population: 513.712 people
Mean temperature: 10,6 ºC
Average rainfall: 410 mm.
Highlight Routes
Camino de Santiago
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Iglesia de San Gervasio y Protasio
It refers to one of the first examples of Castillian Romanesque-mudéjar buildings of which only the east end is kept.
Route de los Museos
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Museo del Pan en Mayorga
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Route Ornitológica y Observatorios
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La Avutarda
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Route Rollos Jurisdiccionales
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Rollo de Aguilar de Campos
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Route Transnacional de Palomares
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Materiales de los palomares
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In the heart of Castile and Leon we find Valladolid. This province has more than 500.000 inhabitants, distributed in more than 255 municipalities. Although most of them do not exceed the thousand inhabitants.
If there’s something characteristic of the province it is its orography, almost completely flat. It’s different from other provinces of Castile, much more precipitous. Its magnificent natural environment, with the Channel of Castile as flagship, offers hundreds of corners in which getting lost, all of them full of history.
Buses |
Estación de Autobuses de Valladolid
Puente Colgante Street
Tel. 983 236 308.
Trains |
Destinations of Valladolid
The city of the Admirals
At the bottom of the Castile’s Channel, in the north zone of the province of Valladolid, at only 40 kilometers of the capital, we find the historic city of Medina de Rioseco, named “the City of the Admirals".
North Valladolid