Municipalities: 75 Surface Area: 13.718 square kilometres Population: 784.376 people Mean temperature: 9,2 ºC (winter) 27,2 ºC (summer) Average rainfall: 536 mm.
The Province of Cordoba occupies the Ancient Kingdom with the same name, formed after the conquest of Andalusia by Fernando III. The Guadalquivir River establishes two zones with very diverse characteristics, the mountain range in the north and the c
The privileged location of this municipality and the richness of its lands can be seen in its monumental richness. The Roman road that linked Cordoba with Cástulo and its Muslim castle support this exceptional location.
Cabra forma parte del recorrido por la Vía Verde, un sendero que permite disfrutar de los hermosos paisajes del Parque Natural de la Sierra Subbética y de la rica avifauna de la Reserva Natural de la Laguna del Salobral.
Los Pedroches valley has a thick aroma of history that is still intact in its monuments, landscapes and mountain nature; in its delicious cuisine; its game; its leafy and romantic walks; and in its ageless traditions.