Municipalities: 45
Surface Area: 11.513 square kilometres
Population: 1.335.792 people
Coastline: 175 kilometres
Mean temperature: 18ºC
Average rainfall: 600 mm.
In terms of surface area the region of Murcia is the ninth largest of the Spanish autonomous communities.
Located at the South-East corner of the Iberian Peninsula, between the regions of, Andalusia, Castile-La Mancha and Valencia, the region of Murcia occupies an area of 11,317 km2 (2.2% of the total surface area of Spain), bordering the province of Albacete in the North, the province of Alicante in the East, the provinces of Granada, Albacete and Almería in the West, and the Mediterranean in the South-East.
Un monumento, la Catedral de Murcia
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Un pueblo, Archena
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Un lugar para perderse, Sierra Espuña
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Un día de ocio inteligente en el Taller del Tiempo
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Destinations of Murcia
City of wine
Trade point and cultural reference of several Mediterranean civilizations, Jumilla has a large history. The location of “the beauty”, as Arabs named it, made a great city out of it. World widely known by the excellence of its wines, the village hides