The Natural Park of Monfragüe is one of the most attractive spaces for the practice of birdwatching.
Between the rocks, riversides, Mediterranean mountains and meadows of Monfragüe, almost 80% of protected species in Spain bring vitality to the landscape: The imperial eagles and black storks, the black vultures (the World’s biggest concentration) or the Iberian lynx, the most threatened feline of the World, are only some of the distinguished inhabitants of the Park. One of the most significant enclaves of this environment’s values is Peña Falcón, a group of proud crags that lean out to Tajo, close to Villarreal de San Carlos and home per excellence of the predatories.
With these attractions, Monfragüe has constituted as a real paradise for the watching of birds, being already one of the most appreciated destinies of Europe to the lovers of ornithological tourism.
To enjoy all of this natural richness, the Association for the Development of Monfragüe and its environment (Ademe) has fitted out various routes that approach the Park to visitors with eager for new sensations
Villa de El Arco (Cañaveral); Camino de la Ermita de Tebas (Casas de Millán); Las Dehesas (Malpartida de Plasencia); Ruta Vereda de Juan Puerta (Mirabel); Molino del Tío Fabián (Pedroso de Acím); and Camino de la Barca de Arriba (Serradilla).
In Villareal de San Carlos the traveller can also visit the Environmental Education Centre and a tourist office, as well as accommodations and restaurants.